As proje??es do Democr?tica de Coordinadora como de segunda-feira, 31 de maio, confirmam que a oposi??o colecionou mais de 640,000 firmas, que representam mais de 100,000 firmas do m?nimo de 540,912 necessitou reunir o 2,436,083 estabelecido na Constitui??o organizar o plebiscito de recorda??o.
Una proyecci?n de la Coordinadora Democr?tica el Lunes 31 de mayo confirm? que la oposici?n al gobierno de Ch?vez pudo reconfirmar m?s de 640.000 firmas, que representan una cantidad mayor a las 100 mil firmas necesarias para llegar al m?nimo de 540.912 que se necesitaba para reunir 2.436.083 firmas que establece la Constituci?n y garantizar la activaci?n del Referendum Revocatorio contra el Presidente Ch?vez, que deber?a comenzar el 8 de agosto y que se puede ganar si no surgen las trampas al utilizar unos equipos electr?nicos que tienen la facilidad de ser adaptados para que Ch?vez gane (al igual que hizo el Dictador Per?z Jimenez cuando solicit? un plesbicito); por ello es necesario que se solicite que el contaje de los votos (Si o No ) se haga en forma manual y que su sumatoria final se haga en presencia de todos los actores, inclu?dos la OEA y el Centro Carter.
Venezuela: Is the Electoral Board near implosion?
By Daniel Duquenal
Monday 31, May 2004 - Or is too late already to avoid electoral fraud in Venezuela? In an astounding development, Ezequiel Zamora, the vice president of the Electoral board, CNE, went solo for a very strong and delicate series of declarations and statements. Briefly resumed. >>
Venezuela: Revelations about a possible electoral fraud?
By Daniel Duquenal
Alejandro Armas is a representative to the National Assembly. He was elected in 2000 on Chavez lists and became for a year the chairman of the finance committee. His break up came with Chavez when he decided that some accounting was necessary. Chavez does not tolerate anyone to remind him his duties. >>
Venezuela's recall: Jimmy Carter is "concerned".
By Daniel Duquenal
May 31 2004 - In what are probably his more energetic declarations ever since Jimmy Carter got involved in the Venezuelan conundrum, ha came with Gaviria in tow for a quick inspection of the CNE. He announced in a brief, clear and concise statement that he had announced his visit in advance (so how come Carrasquero et al were not there?), that he was CONCERNED (a word whose diplomatic importance was not lost) by the delay in the information that was supposed to REACH THE OAS AND CARTER CENTER (no mention of Zamora, so either he declared that knowing that they were on their way, or it was just a coincidence and the Carter Center and OAS are much better informed than expected). He ended up by saying that he was looking forward to explanations tomorrow morning. >>
Venezuela: The Road to the Referendum
By Coordinadora Internacional Venezolana
Washington D.C. - May 31, 2004 - The democratic tradition of the majority of Venezuelans prevailed over violence during the three-day recall referendum signature rectification (reparo) process that took place from Friday, May 28 to Sunday, May 30. Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans endorsed the constitutional, democratic, pacific and electoral solution to the political crisis by attending the convocation to confirm or withdraw their signatures to recall President Hugo Chavez Frias, despite daunting threats and obstacles. Projections from the Coordinadora Democr?tica as of Monday, May 31, confirm that the opposition collected more than 640,000 signatures, which represent more than 100,000 signatures of the minimum of 540,912 needed to gather the 2,436,083 established in the Constitution to organize the recall referendum.
Posted by askain
at 12:29 PM ADT
Updated: Tuesday, 1 June 2004 12:57 PM ADT